About Us

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Our Mission

To provide comprehensive medication-assisted treatment rehabilitation services for those persons who are suffering from opiate use disorder.

Our Vision

Addiction Medical Solutions, LLC will be an integrated healthcare provider with accessibility to individuals and families whose lives have been impacted by opiate use disorder. We will also continue cultivating a team of competent, compassionate personnel dedicated to individualized care and committed to continuously improving services. We will use ongoing research and development to maintain an environment open to learning and to provide education to the community we serve. We will reflect a spirit of collaboration that embraces teamwork and communication.

Core Values

Addiction Medical Solutions, LLC has established certain "core values" for the program, which will be considered across each program's policymaking, planning, and operations.


Addiction Medical Solutions, LLC is in the business of providing specialized healthcare services for patients suffering from opiate use disorder. In order to be successful and to meet the goals of the organization, it is essential that services be available to the community at large as well as the persons served.

Key areas of availability include:

  • Community awareness of the program;
  • Availability of sufficient numbers of staff members to meet the needs of persons served;
  • The ability for community members or persons served to communicate with the program 24 hours, 7-days a week;
  • Availability of key program managers to listen to concerns or complaints from the community or persons served.


As a business principle, Addiction Medical Solutions, LLC intends to provide service to assist the person served, their family members, and the community at large. Some examples of critical areas of this value:

  • Appropriate assessment of prospective patients to ensure only those who can benefit from the program and services are admitted.
  • Appropriateness of medication dosage to ensure that patients are free from withdrawal and craving and blocked from further use of illicit opioids for the purpose of pleasure.
  • Appropriateness of clinical interventions to ensure that counseling encourages personal growth rather than alienates patients from treatment.


It is imperative that all services be efficiently operated to allow for a reasonable profit margin. As a for-profit enterprise, profitability is one key to ongoing operations and continued success.


We believe that there are constituencies that must be satisfied with the program and services provided by Addiction Medical Solutions, LLC. These are:

  • Governing Body
  • Investors
  • Employees
  • Persons Served.

We also believe that satisfaction among these constituents must be balanced to ensure success.